Light :  Different types of horticultural lighting


Light is a crucial factor in the growth of the plants, and there are plenty of lighting solutions dedicated to plant growth. All solutions have their pros and cons.

Then, if you are willing to try indoor culture, you are going to ask yourself, « What kind of horticultural lighting should I choose ? « .


LEP lamps:


These lamps have two great advantages: a very long life and a good energy efficiency.

Electroluminescent plasma (LEP) lamps generate light energy through an electromagnetic source. The gas contained in the ampoule is ionized, the free electrons are pushed by the electromagnetic field and collide with the metal and gaseous atoms that generate light.

The fusion of the gases used in the LEP lamps is identical to that contained in the HPS lamps. This type of lighting has to be handled with caution.


HPS lamps:


High pressure sodium lamps are powerful lights ideal for huge flowering. When the bulb heats up during electrical ignition, gazes generate a flashy light of a yellow / orange shade due to the rise in temperature of the sodium. HPS has high energy requirements and a 12-month life span.

The HPSXs are HPS lamps enriched in Xenon, which offers a wider spectrum.


MH lamps:


Metal halid lamps are producing a sparkling white light. They are often used to highlight beautiful monuments, important places or inside the stadiums. Apart from the valuable quality of the blue spectrum generated by these lamps, they produce a lot of heat and consume a lot of energy, the longevity of these bulbs is way shorter than the HPS. They can be used for seeding.


CMH lamps:


It’s the fusion of the HPS and MH lamps, the Ceramic Metal Halid lights bring together two major properties: the lumen power and the non-negligible contribution of the blue spectrum to vegetative growth. It is an excellent complement during flowering. The use of this type of lamp requires the installation of an electric capacitor.



The CFL Lamps:


They are distinguished by their economic lighting, low consumption lighting and very long life. Compact Fluorescent Lighting lamps are adviced for plant growth. However, at the flowering stage, it will be required to use a number to meet the needs of the plants, and as a result the electricity consumption will be the same as for a HPS lamp. The CFL is a good complement lighting, and is effective in the evolution of cuttings.


LED lamps:


LED technology gives the possibility to have almost total control of the wavelengths. Horticultural LED lamps manage to create a more complex spectrum with a range of 7 primary colors for optimum plant growth. The lumens power of the LEDS goes less deeply than an HPS lamp but diffuses better on the whole of the culture.

LEDs are long-lasting and have minimal electrical energy requirements. The LED is undeniably the mass product of the 21st century capable of rejecting the programmed obsolescence of materials.



Culture en multi-layer LED

Culture en multi-layer LED

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